Many years, in few words...
Historical records show the Chumash and Salinan people as early residents of the area now known as Morro Bay. In the year 1542 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, an Iberian maritime explorer, sailed into the bay by way of Mexico in the South. He named the bay "Los Esteros" and anchored near the rock he named "El Moro." Cabrillo was the first European to explore present-day California, and is credited with discovering the area. In 1769 a Spanish military officer and first governor of Alta California, Gaspar de Portolá, further explored the area. By 1870 Morro Bay's population grew to about 200 and the Embarcadero was established as a prominent location for trade in produce by schooners traveling to and from San Francisco.
The town of Morro Bay was founded in 1870 by Franklin Riley, a Yankee drawn to California during the Gold Rush of the 1840's. Riley founded Morro Bay as a port for export of dairy and ranch products. He was instrumental in the building of a wharf which became the Embarcadero. In 1964 the town was incorporated. Today, the population of Morro Bay is about 10,400 and the town has evolved into a tourist destination and retirement community. As Morro Bay has grown, a broader variety of businesses and services have become available. Today, travelers are drawn to Morro Bay from all over the world to enjoy an array of fresh seafood and some of the most breathtaking natural coastlines in the world.
In 1989, the building now known as Morro Bluff Inn was built by the Coffey family, who operated their business under the name, "Coffey Break Bed & Breakfast" .